16 February 2009

Barbie turns 50

As much as I generally eschew the Barbie empire, it is a landmark year for Her Plasticness. The fashion world's take on this injection-mold diva is inspired.

As for Kidlet? I don't think she's been exposed yet, but my childhood dolls (and a couple of Nana's) have been secured in an undisclosed location...


Jess said...

Treadle has a class in sewing Haute Couture for Barbie.
They have 4 on display, and they are terrific.
I wasn't allowed to play with Barbie myself, but a tiny lady in a 50's silk dress? I would have one of those...

Cate said...

I will not be hiding the Barbie's if Kidlet comes over to our house. If I have to endure, so will you.
Just a warning...
evil laugh