22 January 2009

Give me a W...

(Not THAT one - I thought you knew me better than that!)

... O... O...L! Yay, sheepies!

Were you aware, fellow knitters, that the General Assembly of the United Nations declared 2009 as The International Year of Natural Fibres? Apparently this was waaay back in '06. Remember '06? Deeply embedded we were in an Administration of shame... I digress; pardon me.

The year was officially launched today (22 Jan). I think everyone is hereby entitled to knit something very special from the natural fibre of their choice this year.

For. Yourself.

That's right - enough of this "I don't need to spend that much time on myself, yadda yadda yadda." Fuggedaboudit! Holidays are done, and it's time to appreciate your own craftiness.

After you give it a bit of thought, I encourage you to let us know what you're going to make for yourself. Leave a comment on this post with your project idea (including fibre details), and let the crafting commence.

And you thought that Tuesday was as good as it got!

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