02 September 2008

What to do...

Dave Freeman, co-author of 100 Things To Do Before You Die, has died at the tender age of 47.

He wasn't gored by a bull in Pamplona.

He wasn't skewered through the heart by a stingray off the Great Barrier Reef.

He fell in his own home and hit his head.

Do you have your own list of experiences you crave or places you dream of visiting? Take a minute today and, somewhere on your computer, start your list. It doesn't have to be definitive, and it's completely open to editing at any time, but just write it down. You don't even need to assign numbers. Just. Write.

After you make your list, feel free to leave a comment on this post and share as many ideas as you'd like. Simple or complex, exotic or domestic - they're your dreams.


Scott Rohr said...

1. Go to Africa.
2. Conduct a professional orchestra and chorus in a major American city.
3. Visit my vacation home on a river in Montana (I don't have one).

deb said...

OK, I'm going out on a limb of assumptions.

My dream is to never be so drunk that I fall over in my own house, hit my head, and die.

Possibly I'll want to delete this at some point in the future.