23 January 2009

Handy McHanderson

Sweet fancy Moses, my lesbian tool-loving blood is racing.

Check this out - it's like a Swiss Army Knife - no, a Leatherman - for knitters. And it's purdy to boot.

Now, how to convince The Powers That Be at the LYS that we need this. Hmm. Must initiate clever mind-control plot. Note to self: must not post that publicly next time.


Yarnery said...

One step ahead of you....

Cate said...

This straight tomboyish Leatherman ownin' girl is lovin' that too!!!! Way to go Meema! Now I have to remember now to tell MD about it. :)

Meema said...

WOO HOO! Have I mentioned how I love the LYS?

Knitting Linguist said...

Ooh, I have *got* to get me one of those!