Calorie-free vegan cake - what's not to love?
World Wide Knit In Public Day is upon us, people - get thee out there and make knitters of nations! And when you do, come back and post a message to tell us where you were and with how many other knitters.
ADDENDUM: As I rule this roost, my WWKIPDay story goes on the front page: Kidlet and I had a beautiful Saturday to do with as we wished, so it was off to the park with lunch (and plenty of sunscreen ‘cuz we needed it!). Much playing on the stuff.We then spied some uniformed men getting ready to start a baseball game in yon adjacent ballpark, so we sauntered over and found a seat to take in a few innings. Methinks this was Kidlet’s first real game as “part of the audience,” according to her. Love it.
So this was the site of my personal WWKIPDay observance, with about twenty other “audience” members. And however many people were on each team. And the umps.
Coolest moment? Noticing the dedication of the field as we were leaving.
You go, girl.
OK we went to the Zumbro for lunch today. I brought along the current koigu Carnival scarf I'm knitting and put in a few rows while waiting for my bacon and havarti frittata. Much interest from the servers and the owner, who are all knitters, but didn't know about WWKIPD. Phil helped get a skein turned into a ball, and was able to say yes when they asked if he was a knitter too.
Yay! Good representation. Any more, y'all?
I have knit twice in the last two monthgs. Both times were at Men's Knit Night. Does knitting for pay count?
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